California needs us as the Church to come together, stand in faith, and pray for its people. Make plans to join us for a special evening called Revive Night! We declare that Jesus is Lord over California!


  • February 15 - 7:00 PM

    Location: Truth & Triumph

    721 Nevada St. Suite 408

    Redlands, CA 92373

  • February 15 - 7:00 PM

    Location: Truth & Triumph

    721 Nevada St. Suite 408

    Redlands, CA 92373


Amazing! That’s the best way to describe what God did at the first Revive Night on January 25. He promised to open our eyes to what true revival is all about—reaching people in darkness.

Make plans to join us for the second Revive Night on February 15 at All In Church in Chino, CA.

Remember, we are revival!